Bonzai & Mattie
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Meet Bonzai & Mattie!
Bonzai is my first Sugar Glider. Never get a glider without first researching,researching, researching! Bonzai taught me alot about being a good glider mommy, the rest I learned from knowledgable glider owners I have met. Bonzai has me trained well now!


Bonzi-boy at playtime. His favorite game is to glide from his cage to me, over and over. See the look on his lil face? He's not a curious glider at all!

Bonzai playing lookout
Bonzai loves his playtown and jungle set. Given to them by my 6 yr old nephew, they are he and Mattie's favorite toys to play on, around and in.
Bonzai and Mattie
Mattie being shy. She is "hiding" from the camera, like most girls, just a lil camera shy! lol. We got Mattie for Bonzai as a mate, it wasn't exactly love at first site, but they are inseperable now. (These are Allie's parents.)
Mattie and "Dad" (Rob)
Mattie right after we got her. She's a daddy's girl. She is hanging with dad in this pic in one of our "shower" playtimes. Always play with your glider in a confined space until they get to know you as their "safe" spot.
Mattie and her hidey spot
Give Mattie a treat and this is where she heads, hiding from Bonzai. Even though she is the more agressive of the pair, this is her "take a treat and hide to eat" spot. She even takes Bonzai's treats and hides them here.
Basket Mattie
Living with the irrepressible Bonzai would drive anyone to be a basket case! Mattie in her other hidey spot, her basket.
Bonzai and Rob
Nothing like a Dad that grows his own swinging rope!
Bonzai kisses!
My sweet boy! He likes to give kisses. :) This picture was taken when Bonzai was very sick. He has pulled through with flying colors, but even ill, he is a sweetheart!
Meet Abbie!
Not exactly a Sugar Glider, she is my "other" child. My twelve year old pitbull, her main job in life is to eat, sleep and stay as close to Mom as she can possibly be. She is also my RR companion when I have to go by myself. The only thing she likes more than "cookies" is a car ride, and she's especially picky about being the one in the front seat.
Abbie and Chanyn
Abbie and Chanyn (her sis, but not blood-related) guarding the back porch from anything that breathes! What a dog's life, to hang out by the pool and lay in the sun all day!
Shadow Monster
This is Shadow. When we got her, she fit into a toilet paper tube. She was one tiny, sick baby. Now she is the queen of the house (when the girls are Don't you think she's pretty? She does, posing just for a picture. :)
Georgi and Graci
Georgi and Graci, doing what they love most...eating treats!
Georgi 'n Rob's knee
Georgi playing on Rob's knee at playtime. Curoius as a glider, Georgi has to inspect anything he sees at least 20 times! Curious Georgi
Graci, my not-so-sweet baby Georgi's mate, she rules that house. There is more on them on the next photo page, which is dedicated to Graci.